I'm an experienced content strategist, writer, and educator who has worked in the medical device, financial technology, and higher education industries. I excel at working with and in teams, I like solving puzzles and making connections, and I'm constantly developing my technical skills. I'm an experienced content strategist, writer, and educator who has worked in the medical device, financial technology, and higher education industries. I work well with and in teams, I like solving puzzles and making connections, and I'm constantly developing my technical skills.

This is a website that I built from scratch. It uses HTML5 and CSS, and I built it using things I learned from online resources.

I will be participating in a coding boot camp program in order to expand my technical skillset (and eventually make much cooler websites if I want to).

Process lead

A photo of a lily growing beside my house.

Content strategist

Reuse advocate and content governance enthusiast with experience using CMSes and other approaches that enable content reuse, consistency, and cohesiveness

A photo of a cosmo growing in my garden.  They are my wife's favorite flower.

Collaborative leader and team member

Experienced leading and participating in meetings that drive engagement, propose workflow changes, and establish best practices

A photo of a rose growing against my house.

Experienced writer

A photo of an iris growing in my garden.